Following the Example of John Branca UCLA

When you’re an attorney that’s worked with some of the biggest rock and roll acts of all time, you learn a thing or two. John Branca is one such person, having represented over 30 artists from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. He has a unique gift for relating on a personal level with his famous clients. Here are some ways other attorneys can follow that example.

Finding Common Ground With a Client

Using your life experience to find common ground with a client will allow the both of you to ease into a productive relationship. For example, John Branca, the respected entertainment attorney who has represented clients from Michael Jackson to the Rolling Stones, explains how his experiences as a musician has given him a better insight into his unique client base.

Listening to Clients

While clients look to you to solve their problems, communication on both sides is crucial. They can’t do it without you and you need them to give you details. Clients will usually provide you with all the information you need if you listen. They’re also full of questions, so even if you’ve heard it all before, make sure they’re comfortable coming to you with concerns. Beyond the legal speak, listen to what they’re experiencing. You’re in a good spot to give advice having been through similar cases.

Being Responsive

Another way to meet your client eye-to-eye is to be responsive to their messages. Return calls and emails as promptly as possible. Depending on the type of case, some clients are on a constant need-to-know basis. If the case is related to slander, for example, you can expect regular communication. Part of being responsive also means anticipating their needs and forwarding them any developments as they become available.

Understanding the Emotional Aspect

To truly relate to your client when you’re an attorney, remember that the legal issue at hand doesn’t define your client as a person. This is a temporary stage in their life, so remember that there is a human being behind the legal trouble. Understand the emotional aspect that legal outcomes can have and be prepared to offer additional help or resources if a case doesn’t turn out as expected.

Whether your client is famous or not, relating to them on a personal level will make the job more pleasant. Searching for common ground, answering their questions, and considering emotions will result in a better experience for everyone.

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